Micro-plastics in Sea Salt: Why Dust Co.'s Hand-Harvested Salt is the Solution

Micro-plastics in Sea Salt: Why Dust Co.'s Hand-Harvested Salt is the Solution

Salt is an essential ingredient in just about every dish, but have you ever stopped to think about what could be lurking in that pinch of seasoning? 

Sea salt is found in almost every spice cabinet and is often considered a pure and healthy alternative to commercial table salt. However, a recent study conducted by scientists from the State Oceanic Administration in China and the University of Plymouth in the UK, found that a significant amount of micro-plastics were present in sea salt samples collected from oceans around the world. 

According to a National Geographic article, of 39 salt brands tested, 36 had micro-plastics in them, according to a new analysis by researchers in South Korea and Greenpeace East Asia. Using prior salt studies, this new effort is the first of its scale to look at the geographical spread of microplastics in table salt and their correlation to where plastic pollution is found in the environment.

On average, each kilogram of salt contained approximately 600 micro-plastics particles. which converts to approximately 1 micro-plastic particle per teaspoon of sea salt. The study also found that sea salt produced in Asia contained the highest levels of micro-plastics, while sea salt produced in Europe contained the lowest levels.

The presence of micro-plastics in sea salt is not only concerning from an environmental perspective, but it also raises questions about the potential health implications for those consuming it. We don't know exactly the effects on the human body but micro-plastics have been shown to absorb toxic chemicals, such as heavy metals and persistent organic pollutants, which can be harmful to human health if consumed.

Now for the good news, At Dust Co., we're committed to bringing you salt that's not only delicious, but also safe and sustainable. Our salt is hand-harvested in the Sacred Valley region of Peru nestled high in the Andes Mountains. This means that our salt is free from the contaminants found in industrial salt production, including micro-plastics.

So not only can you season your dishes with peace of mind, but you can also feel good about supporting the community that protects this ancient sacred way of harvesting salt.

Supporting links: 

National Geographic, University of Plymouth